Saturday, July 21, 2007

College life......the beginning...

some people have been buggin me to write baout ma college life..anyone who knows me better wouldnt have asked me to coz i havent attended classes much to write about it.. I was a bunker and i encouraged bunking !!! my sort of brain wash for all the nerds!

For me college life is bangalore life

my first college..SCTIT.. Mufeed Ahmed EEE027.. that was my identity
me among few kannadigas , malayalees and northies...
all wer dead creatures. i dint have much fun..
even though it was late, i found out that engineering was not my cup of tea. i realised that i would be a person who want to sit in one place and do things. i realised that i will have to sacrifice four beautiful years in my life if i have to be an engineer. i could have been an engineer. but i am glad i am not. i had two options. be an engineer but then, i cant be anything else in life. or be someone who will make use of the skills i already have and enjoy these days in college. i found out that i was losing myself in the process of being an engineer. where is the me that who always was cheerful and flew like an independant bird..? where is the me who reads and writes and enjoys music? why should i live life from semesters to semesters? push myself over some derivatives and integrals which wont help me in any way..? i came from ansar school. we are like a family . i wasnt happy with a place where professors even hesitate to bend their lips an pass a smile. i just cant bury the real me for another four years . that was a big sacrifice which wasnt worth it. fears like job satisfaction and career rooted in me. no. i am not going to be in front of the comp or stick to something .. more than all, i dont want this four years in bangalore to be "wasted"..

when i left the engineering studies after 6 months in college, (a million thanks to my dad), i had a hundred people to ask me wat u did... "i dint feel like studying that anymore" was the only answer i gave.

there ends my engineering life. a dead chapter in my life. no more physics and chemistry. no more strugglings with mahcines in the workshop. no more chemistry at college.. a new life begins. the part i enjoyed the most

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