Saturday, November 03, 2007

3 lovely weeks in india

hi all, i am back.

3 weeks of pure india. 21 days of autorikhaws drives,clubbing, heavy rain (god save the umbrella),bike rides in rain, bumpy bus drives (half kilomter looks like a 104 hole golf course) and strikes.. but theres nothing like getting up in the morning and walk five minutes ignoring the drizzles and going to the near by shop for two vada samabar and hot coffee.

i ve been to roller coaster rides but then this time i had a real ride for some extra cash. god would have wondered if i became religious all of a sudden coz i would have called Him that many times. 12 kms form chennai airport to a friends house. for the first time in my life , i wished if autorikshaws have seat belts. between the buses, flying high on the humps, rubbing shoulders motorycles, exchange of x rated words with other drivers and finally when you reach the destination, you know you have to pay high for the real life roller coaster ride, 250 rupees for 12 kms!!

mukesh ambani may be the worlds riches man, but rural india still have houses without electricity. and the metros have brands and business like you never see even in qatar. an unbalanced act..?